(name) is one of the best students in (his) level.
(name) is one of my favorite students.
(name) is a model student.
(name) is a (great) example to the other students.
(name) never fails to surprise me with (his) (great) English abilities.
I am constantly impressed with (name).
I am very excited to have (name) as a student.
I am very happy with (name)'s work in my class.
(name) is a (great) student and consistently shows (he) has (great) English abilities.
It's always a pleasure to teach (name).
(name) is such a lovely student to teach.
(name) is a (great) student.
(name) is a (great) student overall.
(name) is a pleasure to teach.
(name) is doing quite well with (his) studies.
(name)'s English abilities are above average.
I am impressed with (name) as a student.
I am impressed with (name) as a new student.
So far, (name) is learning well for (his) level.
(name) is able to demonstrate (great) English abilities.
(name)'s grasp of the material is (great).
I think (name) has a lot of potential.
(name) is an interesting student.
(name) is still catching up with the rest of the class.
(name)'s English skills aren't yet as good as the others in the class, but (he) has potential.
I'm a little worried about (name) as a student.
(He) is always enthusiastic to participate in class every day.
(He) loves participating in class, and always does a (great) job on (his) homework.
(His) work is always so well-done and creative.
(He) always makes a (great) effort in class and on (his) homework.
(He) always seems to love giving (great), creative answers in (his) work.
Whenever (he) is confused about something or has a question, (he) always asks questions, which is (great).
(He) always asks questions during class to improve (his) English abilities.
(He) consistently participates in class, which is (great).
(He) loves being chosen on to answer questions in class.
(He) always loves answering questions during class.
(He) seems to make an honest effort in class.
(He) makes a genuine effort in (his) work and in class.
I am quite happy with (his) class participation, and (he) completes (his) classwork consistently.
I have noticed improvements in (his) class participation recently, which is (great).
(His) class participation has been improving lately.
(He) sometimes needs a little motivation to participate in class, but (he) does well once (he) warms up to the lesson.
(He) is sometimes a little shy to participate in class, but always gives (great) answers when (he) does.
(He) is quite shy about participating in class, but (he) always does a good job with (his) written work.
(He) is often shy to participate in class.
(He) could benefit from volunteering (his) participation in class more often.
Though recently, (he) seems to be participating less in class.
(He) doesn't seem to like participating in class.
But, (he) needs to remember to do (his) homework more often.
I am really glad that (name) seems to really enjoy my class!
(name) seems to really enjoy learning English!
(name)'s positive attitude in class is such a (great) influence on (his) classmates!
(name) has a lovely personality and has a (great) attitude.
(He) seems to really enjoy learning English, and always brings with (him) a positive attitude to class every day.
I love the positive energy (he) brings to the classroom!
(He) always comes to class with a positive attitude.
(He) always has a (great) attitude towards (his) studies.
(He) is so friendly to (his) peers. It is great to see (him) co-operate so well.
(He) is very respectful to (his) teachers and (his) classmates.
(He) is very well-behaved in class.
(He) always finishes (his) classwork and homework.
(He) has no problems doing the classwork and does a (great) job on (his) homework.
(He) gets along with (his) classmates really well.
(He) is very friendly in class and has many friends among (his) peers.
(He) brings a lot of energy to the classroom, which is often good, but sometimes causes (him) to become distracted in class.
(He) always has a lot of energy in class, which can sometimes be distracting for (him)self and the other students.
(He) usually has a lot of energy during class, but sometimes does not always use it well.
(He) seems to easily become distracted by (his) classmates.
Also, (he) can get quite excited at times during class.
(He) sometimes does not get along with the other students.
Sometimes, (he) has trouble working with the other students.
(He) frequently needs to be reminded to speak in English during class, which is not good for (his) speaking development.
While (he) likes to talk during class, (he) often chooses not to speak in English.
While (he) seems to know the correct answers when called on, (name) does not show much motivation in class.
(He) is having trouble staying motivated in class.
(He) has trouble paying attention to the lesson, and often refuses to follow along.
(He) is always challenging (him)self to expand (his) vocabulary, which is (great).
(He) is able to express complex ideas in English using (his) large vocabulary.
I am impressed by (his) ability to express (him)self using a (great) vocabulary for (his) level.
(name) loves to explore using different words when (he) is speaking to others or writing in (his) books!
(name) always seems excited to use the new words (he) learns in class!
(name) is never scared to use new words that (he) learns, which is (great) for (his) learning.
(He) seems to love learning new words in class, which is (great).
(He) consistently demonstrates a (great) vocabulary in (his) work and during class.
(He) is able to absorb new vocabulary quite readily.
(His) vocabulary is (great), and (he) has shown (he) can quickly use newly-acquired words immediately in (his) work.
(He) learns new English works very quickly and readily.
(name) has a (great) vocabulary, and uses it well.
(He) has (great) vocabulary skills.
(He) has a (great) vocabulary for (his) level.
(His) vocabulary seems to be comfortable for the level (he) is in.
(His) vocabulary skills are good enough to understand most of the material.
(His) vocabulary skills still need some work, but (he) is always improving.
(name)'s vocabulary skills still need a bit of work.
(He) is still having some problems with (his) vocabulary.
(His) vocabulary is a little behind the rest of the class.
(name) would benefit by further studying vocabulary from past lessons.
(His) speaking is (great), and (he) always shows enthusiasm to speak in English.
(His) pronunciation is almost native.
(He) is always eager and confident to practice (his) speaking at every given opportunity.
(He) speaks English naturally and very comfortably.
(name) loves to speak in class, and speaks English without hesitation.
(His) speaking voice is clear and (his) pronunciation is (great).
(He) has no problems speaking in English.
(He) is not shy to speak English in class, so (his) speaking skills are showing improvement.
(He) uses every opportunity in class to speak English, so (his) speaking is improving rapidly.
(He) has (great) pronunciation for (his) level.
(He) shows (great) speaking skills when called on, but (he) is a little shy to speak English on (his) own accord.
(His) pronunciation is (great), though (he) is sometimes shy to speak in class.
(name) has (great) speaking skills, but is often shy to speak in class.
(He) seems quite shy and does not like to speak much, so (his) speaking and pronunciation need a bit of work.
I think (name) needs to overcome (his) shyness, so (he) can practice speaking English in class more.
(name)'s sentence structure when speaking needs a little bit of work.
(His) grammar when speaking is often confused, and could use some more practice.
(His) pronunciation is a little behind, and I sometimes have trouble understanding (his) speaking.
I always try to encourage (name) to speak more English in class, as it will help improve (his) pronunciation.
(name) needs to speak in English more, as (his) English speaking skills are falling behind (his) peers'.
If (name) builds a little more self-confidence to speak more English in class, I believe (he) will start improving much more quickly.
(He) reads clearly and with confidence.
(He) reads confidently and does not show shyness when (he) reads unfamiliar words.
(name) is able to read and learn new and unfamiliar words with (great) accuracy.
(He) reads material in class very enthusiastically and is not afraid to make mistakes.
(He) is able to read quite fluently and seamlessly for (his) level.
(He) is able to read the material with very few problems.
(He) loves reading in class.
(He) can generally read and understand most of the material in class.
(name) can read well on (his) own with only occasional assistance.
I am happy with (name)'s reading level, and (he) is always improving.
(He) is a (great) reader for (his) level.
(He) has (great) reading skills.
(His) reading skills are on par with (his) classmates.
(name) is a (great) reader.
(He) reads quite smoothly for (his) level.
The reading material given in class is well-suited for (his) reading level.
After a few tries, (name) can understand most of the reading (he) does.
(He) takes (his) time to read the material slowly, but it is helpful for (his) understanding.
(He) sometimes needs help with (his) reading, but (he) eventually gains a good understanding of the material.
I think (name) would benefit from doing some extra reading at home.
Practicing reading at home will help (him) quite a bit as well.
I would recommend that (he) do extra reading practice at home.
(He) has some difficulty reading the materials in class.
(He) is never afraid to challenge (him)self to express complex ideas in (his) writing.
(His) writing skills are (great) for (his) level, and I always enjoy reading (his) writing.
(name) seems to have no problems expressing (him)self through (his) English writing.
(He) is able to express (him)self very well in English writing.
I always love to read (his) English writing!
(name)'s writing is very creative, and I always enjoy reading what (he) writes.
(His) writing and grammar are (great) and very accurate.
Also, (his) handwriting is very neat.
(His) spelling is (great).
(His) writing skills are (great) as well.
(He) has (great) writing skills for (his) level.
(name)'s written answers are (great) and (he) is able to answer questions sufficiently.
I am happy with (name)'s writing level, and (he) is always improving.
(His) writing grammar is (great) for (his) level.
(name)'s sentence structure when writing is (great).
(name)'s writing grammar is not perfect, but is okay for (his) level.
(His) writing needs a bit more practice.
(He) can express (his) ideas through English writing quite well, but (his) grammar needs a bit of work.
(He) needs to focus on the corrections given back to (him) on (his) writing assignments.
While (his) writing grammar is (great) for (his) level, (he) often writes letters messily or incorrectly.
Unfortunately, I sometimes have difficulty understanding what (he) is trying to write.
But, (he) needs some more practice with (his) spelling.
But, I wish (he) would practice more often to write a little more neatly.
But, I have a lot of problems reading (his) handwriting.
Also, I often cannot read what (he) writes in (his) book.
Also, I often cannot read (his) writing.
(He) is learning all the material perfectly.
I really enjoy the way (he) likes to show off the new things (he) learns in class!
(He) loves to incorporate all the new things (he) learns from class into (his) English.
(His) progress in my class continues to surprise me.
(He) has no difficulties with the class material.
(His) progress throughout my class has been (great).
(He) absorbs the material very quickly.
(He) is progressing through the level just fine.
So far, (he) is doing very well in my class.
(He) has shown a lot of improvement since I have had (him) as a student.
(He) has really improved!
I am very happy with (his) improvement in my class.
I am happy with (his) progress in my class so far.
(His) behavior has improved so much since the beginning of the term.
(He) is a quick learner, so I expect to continue to see improvement with (his) English skills.
If (he) keeps up the hard work, I am sure (he) will continue to do well in (his) studies.
It's clear that (he) is working hard on (his) English studies, and I appreciate (his) effort.
(His) hard work is starting to show.
(His) progress in my class is (great) for (his) level.
(He) is progressing just fine through the level.
As long as (he) focuses in class, (he) will improve steadily.
With some more practice, (he) will easily be up to speed.
However, (he) has shown potential that (he) can do better.
(He) has potential to do better if (he) can improve (his) attitude towards (his) studies.
If (he) follows my direction, (name) will start showing (great) improvements.
I think improvement from (him) will start to show once (he) learns to focus in class.
I think (he) has the ability to catch up to (his) classmates if (he) is more diligent with (his) homework.
(He) seems to be losing focus in class.
Unfortunately, (he) is starting to fall behind (his) classmates.
(He) needs to start focusing more in class.
I am confident in (name)'s abilities as an English student. (He) is on (his) way to achieving (great) levels of English.
I hope (name)'s hard work and behavior will influence (his) classmates. (He) is a (great) student to have.
I hope I will have the pleasure of teaching (name) again next term.
I am not worried about (name) at all. (He) is such a (great) student.
I am very happy with (name)'s progress in my class, and I hope (he) can keep it up.
I enjoy teaching (name) and seeing (him) learn so many new things.
I think if (name) keeps up (his) hard work and effort, (he) will grow to be a (great) English speaker.
(name) has shown (him)self to be a smart child, and I am not worried by (his) progress in my class.
(name) is a (great) student. I look forward to seeing (him) become a (great) English speaker.
I enjoy having (name) as a student, and I hope (he) continues to work hard.
(name) does not seem intimidated by the task of learning English. With this attitude, (his) English skills will continue to grow.
(name) will continue to do well as long as (he) maintains (his) focus and positive attitude.
I am happy with (name)'s progress so far, and I hope (he) continues to work hard.
With (name)'s positive attitude, I am sure (he) will do well in (his) studies.
If (name) keeps up the (great) work, (he) will have much success in (his) endeavors.
I think (name) is a fast learner, so (he) will improve these skills quickly.
(name) will continue to improve at a steady rate is (he) continues on this track.
I am excited about (name)'s potential and I can't wait to see how (he) will grow in the future.
I am cheering (name) on to do well in (his) English studies.
I hope (name) continues to study English.
If (name) focuses more in class, (he) will perform even better than (he) is now.
If (name) concentrates more on (his) studies, I am sure (his) studies will improve greatly.
I believe (name) will reach (great) levels of English once (he) learns to focus better in class.
If (name)'s attitude can match (his) intelligence, then (he) will perform at (his) full potential.
I think (name) only needs to study a little harder to become a (great) student.
(name) will be a (great) student if (he) studies just a little harder.
(name) will achieve (his) full potential when (he) learns to apply (him)self a little more.
(name) is a smart child, but (he) will only have the opportunity to show that in a more appropriate level.
I know (name) has a lot of potential, but the material in this level will only discourage (his) English abilities.
I believe (name) will learn English much better if put in a level more suitable for (him).